Playing Extended 9th Chords

Dan Denley( who runs the superb AmazingGuitarSecrets website has supplied another great tip for my Blog and newsletter readers - this time he introduces you to the wonders of extended 9th chords which feature in more songs that you'd think. If you haven't been exposed to extended chords before, don't worry, Dan explains exactly how they look, play and sound, in an easy to follow manner. These chords are essential learning if you want to play blues, jazz or funk music.

Click on the link: Click HERE to visit Dan's Amazing GuitarSecrets site.

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster, PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics
Guitar Chords Blog:
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Changing chords by using a Capo

It seems like a simple piece of springed metal ( and it is! ), but it can be the most valuable tool in the guitarists kitbox.

Chris Elmore, mastermind behind GuitarTips, and GuitarSongs has written a great article showing you how to make best use of the Capo, with some helpful hints, including which type of Capo to go for. Check out the link below

Using a Capo

Click HERE to visit the great Guitar Tips site

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster, PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics
Guitar Chords Blog:
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